It is used for stabilization when making ties on clothing
subject. Without retex, the material is crumpled and
connection errors.
We offer retex 504 and retex 506. They excel
strong enough to withstand the bonds
high densities, and at the same time have the property of easy splitting what
is very important when removing excess retex after
completed relationship. They’re not rude so they don’t represent
problem later on the garment.

• Weight: 35g per m2
• Width: 90cm, roll length: 20m
• Color: white


• Weight: 50g per m2
• Width: 90cm, roll length: 100m
• Color: white

In addition to these two retexes, we can provide you with others
quality, retex weight within 15-20 days.
Retex in colors we do only to order. Him too
we can deliver in various thicknesses, ie. weight depending
of your need. This retex is used for making shopping
bags and other promotional items.